Aloha Kauai - My Last Day in Hawaii

Today was my last full day and we decided to go see the lighthouse. We also went to the Opaekaa Falls view point and someone was advertising a food truck near the Original Hawaiian Village bit and so we drove there for food and the were loads of peacocks just chilling. This is the point id like to mention about the Chicken infestation on the island. There are an insane amount wherever you go. On the motorway, inside the jungle, randomly in your hostel kitchen the chickens were everywhere it was crazy! After the snack break we went back to the hostel and picked up a beautiful pregnant Indian lady called Sonia. She was also travelling and staying at the hostel with her insanely cute 2 year old daughter Anya. She had travelled a lot in her past, and it seemed that being pregnant with a child wasn't stopping her either which was super cool. She had a lot of knowledge to share with us and was very charismatic and sweet. So all 6 of us set off to Nini beach. It was super pretty, empty and chilled. Me, Anne and JC went snorkelling and I saw so many exotic fish I didn't even know there were so many so near the shore. It was a fun and relaxing day we all needed after a jam packed week. I will travel tomorrow to Mexico even though I have no accommodation or set plans. I'm a bit nervous and will try to book something tonight or tomorrow morning.
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